A manual penalty from Google can have devastating effects on a business relying on search traffic.  We can help you to remove the penalty and restore your search engine rankings.

Google Penalty Removal Service

Has your website suddenly dropped in the search engine rankings for your most important keywords?  Has the enquiries from your website and your revenue taken a nosedive?

If so then it is likely that you have received a manual penalty.

It’s a fact that SEO techniques that worked a year ago no longer work today and Google are constantly releasing new algorithms which have devastating results on brands and businesses, particularly those that have used offshore SEO companies that provide poor and dated SEO services which is why you should always be careful when receiving unsolicited emails from such companies.

Fixing Penalties Caused By Spammy SEO

The majority of the penalty removal work we have undertaken recently has been to fix problems created by the spam techniques used by these companies in the past, techniques that worked really well a few years ago but if used now will get your website penalised.

While there are no quick fixes to remove penalties, a certain process must be followed that involves analysing your backlink profile and cleaning up backlinks that no longer conform to the Google Guidelines.  From there, links that can’t be removed need to be disregarded using the Google Disavow tool and then a reconsideration request submitted.

As you can imagine this is a very time consuming and tedious process but one which must be carried out if you are to recover from a manual penalty and regain your rankings, traffic, enquiries and revenue.

If you feel you may have been hit by a penalty then get in touch immediately for a free consultation.

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Guaranteed Google Penalty Removal

  • Get Your Search Rankings Back
  • Get Your Traffic Back
  • Get More Website Enquiries
  • Increase Your Revenues

How We Get A Penalty Removed

Technical Website Audit

The first stage of penalty recovery is determining whether or not the problem is with your website.  Many websites have suffered manual penalties for a number of reasons from spammy, low-quality content to more technical reasons like duplicate indexation of the same pages.

Individual Link Audit

The next stage of the process is to analyse the websites backlink profile (links on other websites pointing to yours) to determine if there are any poor quality/spammy backlinks that may have been built by previous SEO companies.  Every single link will be analysed and given a quality rating which can take a lot of time if you have tens of thousands of links.

Link Removal/Cleanup

If the issue lies in the backlink profile, which is the case more often than not, we will begin the process of cleaning up the bad links.  We never send threatening emails to site owners and any links that can be removed normally are.  For those that can’t be removed we submit a disavow file in the proper format using the disavow tool.

Reconsideration Request

If you have had a manual penalty on your site this means that a human has reviewed your website and backlinks and deemed it to be poor quality.  The only way to have this penalty removed is to clean everything up as best you can then submit a reconsideration request with all the details of what you have done.  A human will review this and so far we haven’t had a request rejected.

Penalty Removal & Rankings Reinstated

Once the correct process has been followed and your reconsideration request has been approved by a human editor the manual penalty on your site will be lifted.  You will then begin to see your rankings return along with an increase in traffic and enquiries.

Helping Your Business Recover From a Manual Penalty

Having your website under a manual penalty can be a very difficult and stressful time for business owners.  Luckily help is available and we have the knowledge, resources and experience to help you to regain your search engine rankings and get your traffic back and website enquiries back.

Ready To Get Your Website Back Where It Belongs?

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